By; Jonathan James
Last night at our monthly flotilla meeting, we had the honor of having three outstanding members offer their services to the flotilla in the capacity of Vice Flotilla Commander. As we all know, we can only elect one as our Vice. It turned out to be a difficult decision for the members of our flotilla because all the candidates were outstanding and had their own tools to bring to the office if elected.
Rick Williams, a member of 76 for two years and a new Aircraft Commander, was elected as our new Vice Flotilla Commander for the remainder of the 2011 term. Congratulations Rick on your elections to this very important office. I know that FC John Poulson and the Flotilla Staff Officer's are very happy to have you aboard.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our FC, John Poulson for his selflessness through this whole evolution. Not many Flotilla Commanders would have handled this as professionally and as classy as FC Poulson did. It was John who would always remind us to not forget why we joined the auxiliary and to keep that in the forefront of our auxiliary career. He has had to put a lot of his desires aside and has had to focus %100 of his auxiliary time on maintaining a very difficult and unpredictable watch as FC for the past few months.
B.Z. FC John Poulson and congratulations VFC Rick Williams.