
05 November 2013

Flotilla 76 Members pass AUXCOM

By Andrew Cochran, VFC 76

Congratulations you following members who have recently completed the Auxiliary Communications Specialty training and have received the specialty training ribbon.
  • Cathy T.
  • Dorian T.
  • Bill M.
  • Carel V.
  • Daren L.
  • Rick W.
  • Scott R.
AUXCOM is one of the core requirements of becoming AUXOP qualified along with Aux Seamanship and Aux Weather specialist courses.

The AUXCOM class is a general introduction to Coast Guard radio technology and operations. It is very helpful training for members who want to be active in Surface, Air, and Radio operation. For those members wishing to pursue a higher level of communications training the Telecommunications Operator (TCO) certification is also available. Please see your member training or communications staff officer if your are interested.

Correction to add Rick and Scott. V/r, Daren Lewis, FSO-CS