
01 March 2009

Navrules: Canoes and Kayaks

One of the fairly regular questions we get is where Kayaks and Canoes fit into the Navigation Rules and the requirement to give way. The Navigation Center has some guidance. 

USCG Navigation Center: Navigation Rules FAQ 
13. Where do Kayaks and Canoes fit into the Navigation Rules? Neither the International nor Inland Navigation Rules address "kayaks" or "canoes" per se, except in regards to "vessels under oars" in Rule 25 regarding lights. One could infer that a "vessel under oars" should be treated as a "sailing vessel" since it is permitted to display the same lights as one, but, ultimately the issue of whom "gives way" would fall to what would be "required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case" (Rule 2).

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