The pamphlet contains the Creed and the Guardian Ethos but also adds RADM Branham's emphasis and philosophy. This document speaks not only to being a Guardian but also how to lead like a Guardian.
Commander ’s Emphasis and Philosophy
We are America’s maritime guardian!
We protect our citizens, rescue them from
harm’s way, defend their freedom and
protect our maritime environment.
Semper Paratus is our guide.
Relentlessly pursue mission excellence
Ensure you and your personnel are well trained,
properly equipped, focused and ready to perform all missions.
Push the throttles forward
Be aggressive, proactive and innovative. Seize opportunities.
Seek new solutions. Weigh risks. Never give up!
Be a guardian to our people
Know them, their families and their issues.
Be visible and accessible to them.
Make teamwork our hallmark
Cultivate international, interagency and joint partnerships.
Tell our story
Raise the Coast Guard’s visibility to the public
through the media, friends of the Coast Guard
and other stakeholders.Each of these messages is important. No matter what role you fill in the Coast Guard you've likely seen each done well and done poorly. Shipmates, let's take up this challenge to lead like a Guardians and please demand the type of leadership called for by RADM Branham from me.
Thank you RADM Branham.
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