The Coast Guard cannot expect to continue operating strictly in the hierarchical, top-down fashion, but must also adapt to be more horizontal and collaborative or face organizational obsolescence. This is a significant cultural change for us, but I am confident that our outstanding people possess the knowledge and judgment to be able to more efficiently monitor and evaluate the information environment they operate in and effectively and deliberately engage in the dialogue to further Coast Guard strategic objectives and benefit mission execution and support. - Admiral Allen in a interview with Christiaan Conver May 2009These social media initiatives are about creating the collaborative environment that we need to maximize our individual and collective impact, what the Commandant would call our mission execution.
While we hear many leaders discuss the need for openness, communication and listening, Admiral Allen really walks the walk. The iCommandant Blog has given us an incredible view into the thinking of the Commandant and other guest bloggers. The Commandant has extended this effort to Twitter. You can follow the Commandant @iCommandantUSCG or
[You can follow me at @veryuseful or and check out the folks I follow for many other Coasties.]
Here are some of the Commandant's first tweets so you can get a feel for the flow. Please note these are in reverse order (most recent first). A few hints to decode what your are seeing: @nnnnn = some twitter user; RT = Retweet, to republish another users tweet; #nnnn = a hash tag which we use to identify a topic or family of tweets (I use #IGetPaid to acknowledge how much I get out of the Auxiliary).
RT @simplydan: CG-8: Nothing more fundamental to modern'n of CG than getting logistics transformation right. #logmod
about 2 hours ago from HootSuite
RT @simplydan: VADM Pearson: If you think everything is smooth & comfortable, you're not going fast enough. #logmod
about 2 hours ago from HootSuite
Affinity Group Participation -- "Not just a check in the box": ANSO ConferenceOriginally uploaded by icommandant..
about 8 hours ago from twitterfeed
RT @CoastGuardNews: Photo - Coast Guard and Navy Capture Pirates
about 8 hours ago from HootSuite
RT @picanyc: Life Jackets! thinking about boating safety - which starts with life jackets!
about 14 hours ago from HootSuite
Fairwinds, Bernie Webber: Former Coast Guard Station, Nauset, Cape Cod National SeashoreOriginally uploaded by u..
about 23 hours ago from twitterfeed
#CoastGuard Rep. Coble: would reauth of PPV be an important first step for impoving qual of life? MCPOCG: affirmative
1:44 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Rep. Lobiondo: Need to know what we can fix this year to improve member/family support parity with DOD. USCG will provide.
1:26 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard the way to control costs in acquisition is through 1. Open competiton, 2. Fixed price 3. Remove risk from govt.
1:20 PM May 13th from txt
Floor-level funding for shore-infrastructure ought to be $100mil annually. Rcvd shore AC&I funds in ARRA and $270+ mil in CSDACAA funding.
1:19 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard PPV potential for housing program is more about authorization than appropriation.
1:19 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard MCPOCG talking about CG housing problems and potential of PPV program as a solutions
1:13 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Critical to controlling NSC costs is to not allow a break in the production line between hulls 4 & 5
1:10 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Rep Fazio concerned about MMC medical backlog. Comdt: Fix is in place and backlog being reduced. NMC will benefit Merchant ...
1:10 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard NSC Project costs are under control. NSC #4 and beyond will be fixed-price contracts, signif reduce cost variability and risk.
1:06 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard good discussion on security requirements and LNG facilities and vessels and who bares that cost? Mandated CG security erode ...
12:43 PM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Congess concerned with CG's $1Bill shore infrastructure backlog.
11:53 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Marine Transportation System is lifeblood of our national economy. Carries 78% of intl trade and activity trends on increase.
11:42 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard FY10 Funding request will provide an additional 74 marine safety positions.
11:33 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Met yesterday with MARAD, TRANSCOM, 5th Fleet & US shippers yest to discuss new MSD for operating off HOA.
11:27 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Signing of Arctic NSPD sets interagency policy. National efforts would be enhanced with UNCLOS ratification. http://ow.ly6Es9
11:23 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard We can no longer do more with less. Instead we will allocate our resources to buy down risk in the most vulnerable areas.
11:18 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Modernization remains Job #1
11:17 AM May 13th from txt
#CoastGuard Written statement available
11:05 AM May 13th from txt
#Coast Guard Subject matter for today's hearing available online You may be able to watch live from this site at 2 p.m.
9:17 AM May 13th from HootSuite
Good read ahead for hearing:
7:01 AM May 13th from txt
MOTR was a valuable tool in Maersk Alabama Read about it in this month's Seapower (P.48-50)
5:50 AM May 13th from HootSuite
iCommandant on Twitter: We are going to try tweeting on the FY-2010 budget hearing with the House Transportation..
7:14 PM May 12th from twitterfeed
Hope you follow our tweets from our FY2010 budget hearing tomorrow with the CG&MT Subcommittee.
3:22 PM May 12th from web
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