
07 October 2009

Division 7 Meeting Report: October 2009

It was great to see so many members of the Flotilla in attendance on Monday. The 12 members (+3 soon to be 76 members) exceeded the total size of the Flotilla a few short years ago -- today we find ourselves at 58 members with a number of new applicants in the pipeline. Bravo Zulu!

The Director and District Commodore were in attendance. The Director briefly discussed the budget and reminded us that we've got to make the most of the available funds, particularly for PPE. As I've discussed previously we need to use every available dollar and piece of equipment wisely to maximize mission execution and program participation. In plain language this means doing our missions and adding the capability through exercises, training and stewardship to do more.

Elections were held and I'm honored to have been elected to serve as the Division Commander for 2010 along with my friend Carol Bobo as Vice Division Commander -- more on our plans in coming posts but I ask that we focus on finishing strong in 2009.

A number of awards were presented. The Division won for the highest number of Vessel Exams in the District, Peter Kirshner received an Auxiliary Commandant's Letter of Commendation (accepted by FC73 Don Verkest), and Ken Babick received the first place award for Direct Support: Operations for D13.

We will be participating in the Veteran's Day Parade in Vancouver on 07NOV2009. John Hillbrands, FC78, is coordinating the participation. Please contact him if you would like to take part in this outstanding event.

To date the Division has completed 1467 Vessel Exams in 2009. With our new crop of Examiners in 76 I hope to see this number grow and I hope to substantially exceed this figure in 2010.

Thank you to the membership of Rose City Yacht Club and RCYC Commodore (and Auxiliarist) Karl Quade for the use of their beautiful facility while the parking at Sector Portland was being repaved.

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