
17 March 2010

2010 Make Way Ramp Education Kickoff on Friday and Saturday

FL76 Shipmates - Another cross post from

I know a few of you are getting these twice (once from and once from so I'll try to only repost the most important items).

On Friday 19MAR and Saturday 20MAR we will be kicking off our 2010 Make Way Education efforts with a presence at ramps and other selected locations around the region. Thank you to all who have signed up to assist with one or both days.

We've been conducting the on-the-water Make Way mission for a number of weeks and this is a great opportunity to get more of our members involved and educate our fellow boaters before they get underway.

While this is a mission some of us have done for years it may be new to others. To help members understand the issues and to promote consistency in our message I have prepared a mission job aids. I encourage all participants to review the job aid and provide feedback based on your prior experience and what you learn over this two morning effort. Feedback on the job aid approach is also welcome - we are looking at developing these for other local topics like invasive species awareness and cold water awareness.


[This document is uploaded to Scribd - if it does not display please visit:]
To download or print the document please visit the following link: here

The materials we have are described in the job aid.

There are currently materials for Make Way in the Auxiliary office at Sector Portland. Please be aware the supply is limited and only take as many flyers as you think you will use in these two days. Please coordinate with fellow participants at your ramp to assure you are not doubling up on supplies. We are working on re-supply but have not yet received materials. Unless you know traffic will be heavy please limit what you take to 50 flyers or packets per ramp per day. If there is no supply remaining, or if you take the last of the materials, please call or email me immediately and we will work to get you what you need.

Vessel Exams:
While this is not a VE focused operation VEs are welcome and encouraged to do VEs as time and conditions permit. Please focus on maximizing the quantity and quality of contacts which carry the Make Way message. Doing VEs, particularly if someone else is passing out flyers and having brief conversations may be the most effective approach for those particular boaters.

I would appreciate feedback as to where you were, what times, the number of contacts, the number of flyers distributed and any lessons learned via your FC with a cc to me: We will be reporting the results to the Sector Commander. This is a mission which can be reported as public affairs on your 7030.

Please work in teams, this is a great opportunity to bring along a newer member. Please wear life jackets for flotation, visibility and to show responsible boating behavior. Per our standard practice life jackets are required if you will be on the dock.

The ramp work was organized by the Flotillas - please make sure your FC, VFC or designated officer knows you are going out to assure proper assignment to duty and therefore liability coverage. Should you need proper assignment to duty the Division leadership would be happy to assist by providing it via email.

Be safe out there and look to the safety of your shipmates.

Thank you for your service,

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