
05 November 2013

Flotilla 76 Members pass AUXCOM

By Andrew Cochran, VFC 76

Congratulations you following members who have recently completed the Auxiliary Communications Specialty training and have received the specialty training ribbon.
  • Cathy T.
  • Dorian T.
  • Bill M.
  • Carel V.
  • Daren L.
  • Rick W.
  • Scott R.
AUXCOM is one of the core requirements of becoming AUXOP qualified along with Aux Seamanship and Aux Weather specialist courses.

The AUXCOM class is a general introduction to Coast Guard radio technology and operations. It is very helpful training for members who want to be active in Surface, Air, and Radio operation. For those members wishing to pursue a higher level of communications training the Telecommunications Operator (TCO) certification is also available. Please see your member training or communications staff officer if your are interested.

Correction to add Rick and Scott. V/r, Daren Lewis, FSO-CS

22 July 2013

Flotilla Picnic Sign-up - August 17, 2013 11:00 am – St. Helens Columbia View Park

We are having a collaborative/pot-luck picnic this year. To help coordinate the event we are asking members to sign up ahead of time to bring particular items.

To sign up send me (Daren) an email with what you can bring in what quantities and I will update the list.

Thank you,
On behalf of our FC & VFC, Diane Epstein and Andy Cochran

USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 76 picnic
August 17, 2013 11:00 am – St. Helens Columbia View Park

Items needed:

Chairs - everyone bring your own.

Non-alcoholic beverages (no alcohol is allowed at the site):
Spot 1: Korsmo/Anderson if needed              To serve how many:
Spot 2:  Olson             To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Hamburger Buns
Spot 1: Andy               To serve how many: 40
Spot 2: Diane              To serve how many: 24

Spot 1: Rusten             To serve how many: 12
Spot 2:               To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Chips & Dip
Spot 1:  Olson            To serve how many:
Spot 2:               To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Spot 1: Matt & Ellen C             To serve how many: 12
Spot 2:  Rusten             To serve how many: 12
Spot 3:  Korsmo Anderson             To serve how many: 30
Spot 5:  Epstein  To serve how many:
Spot 6:               To serve how many:

Paper Plates to serve 40:
Cups to serve 40: Laura W
Plastic Utensils to serve 40: Dave & Kara B / Korsmo/Anderson
Napkins to serve 40: Dave & Kara B

Games (no prizes):
CG Jeopardy and Knotty Relay: Laura to bring instructions so we can co-op the game organizing.

Sweet pickle relish - Laura W
Dill pickle chips - Laura W
Kraut for the dogs - Laura W
Secret sauce (OK its thousand Island dressing) - Laura W

Veggies for burgers: Korsmo

30 June 2013

Uniforms: Name tags with your first name

By Daren Lewis

The Auxiliary Manual authorizes members to wear a name tag with our first names included. I find this is a great option in a number of circumstances:

  • At Flotilla meetings where it helps prospective and new members acclimate while meeting a dozen new faces.
  • When representing the Auxiliary and the Coast Guard at outside events.
  • In general business use on Coast Guard bases.

The name tag with my first name has become my default option with Tropical Blue. For formal events and when wearing Service Dress Blue I wear my standard, last name only, name tag.

The Coast Guard Uniform Regulations, COMDTINST M1020.6 (series) authorize active duty and Reserve personnel to wear name tags that display first and last names in lieu of the standard name tag (last name only). An individual’s first and last name and the “U.S. Coast Guard” legend letter sizes must be the same as for the standard name tag. This applies only to name tags of Bakelite or similar material, not to cloth name tapes. Commands have the authority to require the standard name tag when a higher level of uniformity is necessary. Auxiliarists are similarly authorized to wear name tags with first and last names displayed in accordance with these guidelines. A displayed first name must be the Auxiliarist’s full common first name or conventional shortened derivative (e.g., Mike instead of Michael). Nicknames or parenthesized names are not authorized (e.g., Doc, Mac, “Lefty”). Auxiliarists must also have a standard name tag for when a higher level of uniformity is necessary. - COMDTINST M16790.1G Auxiliary Manual, Ch.10.F.3.

28 June 2013

Congratulations to the members of 76 who qualified as crew and coxswain!

On 22 June 2013 a number of our members underwent qualification exams for crew and coxswain. Congratulations to Cathy, Dorian, Mary, Elisabeth, and Tim on your success. Go out, be safe, be effective, and serve with pride.

Thank you to the Flotilla 73 Academy Team and all the Div7 members who worked as cadre, mentors, and on the training Facilities.

20 May 2013

Photography: Getting close

An early lesson of being a yearbook photographer in high school was the need to get close to our subjects. I spent far too many hours trying to salvage a close crop from a photo I'd taken from too far away. In the days of B&W film photography there was only so much latitude if you wanted the whole book to have the same look photo to photo. This weekend I had the opportunity to do some photography while underway for the Flotilla 73 Crew/Coxswain academy and tried to focus on the close shot. 

There is one big advantage we have when framing these shots... we have our organization name emblazoned across the back of our life jackets, exposure coveralls, and SAR vests. This means boring backs become a great part of the shot.

02 May 2013

Surface Operations Qualified? Maintaining qualifications in a time of uncertainty

By Daren Lewis

As you likely know we will not have the Navy for Rose Festival and therefore no Naval Vessel Protection Zone (learn more about NVPZs). We will still have a Safety Zone for the Dragon Boats. In addition we are facing reduced operational funding for the fiscal year.

I know some members rely on the high operations tempo of Rose Festival to complete the annual 12 hours of surface operational time required to maintain crew and coxswain qualifications. In light of the Fleet Week change and other uncertainty I encourage you to think about how you will get your on-the-water time for 2013. Plan ahead and don't get caught short.

All that said, everything I hear says there is still a commitment to Auxiliary surface operations. We are an important component of the operational community. The challenges we are seeing are the same ones being faced by all our Coast Guard shipmates. All units are seeing changes in tempo and funding.

01 May 2013

Please take the National Member Survey

By Daren Lewis

Have an opinion? It is time to express that opinion in the latest version of the member survey. Please
take a few minutes to complete the survey.

It is time to voice your opinion directly to the national leadership.Every few years we take the pulse of our membership to gain some insight into how our organization can be more effective for our members. Your participation in the 2013 Member Survey is important. Your answers to the survey will allow the leadership to discover what you most enjoy about being an Auxiliarist and what might be done to make your experience even better.

National Member Survey

19 April 2013

Rose Festival/Seafair update

By Daren Lewis

By now many of you have gotten the news that we'll have limited participation of Coast Guard assets at Rose Festival. Local USCG and USCG Auxiliary activities will continue based on the needs of those events still taking place, such as the safety zone for the Dragon Boat races. I wanted to share the District Commander's comments in this press release. 
SEATTLE — The Coast Guard announced the cancellation of cutter and air asset participation during the 2013 Portland Rose Festival’s and Seattle Seafair’s Fleet Week celebrations, Thursday. 
Recent fiscal reductions, due to the Budget Control Act of 2011, have resulted in reduced Coast Guard participation in community outreach programs in 2013. 
“We are reducing our participation in various community events to focus our funding on highest priority missions.” said Rear Adm. Keith A. Taylor, commander of the 13th Coast Guard District. “We will continue to maintain our valuable relationships with the Pacific Northwest communities and will remain ‘Always Ready’ to answer the call.” 
Cancelling cutter and air asset visits is one of many steps the Coast Guard is taking to preserve the Coast Guard’s ability to meet the highest-priority mission activities, including search and rescue, critical security operations, and emergency response. The Coast Guard will continue to provide safety zones and maritime enforcement during both events. The Coast Guard believes there is value in demonstrating the capabilities of our assets, and will assess participation in future events on a case-by-case basis as the Coast Guard’s budget permits.
We stand a taunt watch with the rest of our service as we navigate these challenging budgetary times for our Nation.

Wash & Wear Trousers - Stand by for Auxiliary use

By Daren Lewis

Great clarification from the National HR Directorate on the new wash & wear trouser. Bottom line - these are being targeted to Active Duty & Reserve first and we will be authorized to wear at a future date. As some may recall these authorizations take some, but not too much, time.
V/r, Daren

I received further clarification to the "Wash & Wear Trousers" Uniform update I distributed on 29MAR2013. At this time, the new Wash & Wear Trousers are ONLY authorized for wear by the USCG Active Duty & Reserve; they are not yet approved for use by the Auxiliary. If you have forwarded the previous information down the chain to the General Membership, please follow-up with this update. Sorry for any confusion.

Please see below for more specific details (source: H-Directorate Office):
"You may have [received notification] regarding Coast Guard Approval of a new Wash and Wear Male Trouser and Female Dress Slack for use with the Tropical Blue and Winter Dress Blue Uniforms (not the Service Dress Blue Uniform). This uniform part will be available in the Exchange System by the end of June 2013.
However, authorization is based on an interim guidance policy which has not yet been acted upon by the CHDIRAUX for use by the Auxiliary. As in the past, the UDC will issue bulletins about uniform changes that have been approved by the Coast Guard Uniform Board for active duty members, but not yet promulgated for use by the Auxiliary. That approval usually comes in the form of an ALAUX and an annotation to the on-line version of the AUXMAN.
Therefore, until the CHDIRAUX officially notifies the Auxiliary of the availability of these new garments and authorizes them for wear by our members, please do not send this information to the Deckplate, as it will only result in multiple inquires from District Commodore’s for answers that our Directorate does not have at this point."
Brett C. Bigelow, BC-HXP
Human Resources Directorate
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

14 April 2013

National Public Affairs, Publications, Photo and Video Contest

Get out your photos since June 2012 and take your cameras with you as you participate in Auxiliary activities -- the National Public Affairs, Publications, Photo and Video Contest closes in six weeks. Here are the details:


2012 – 2013 National Public Affairs, Publications, Photo and Video Contest Guidelines



AWARDS:  Each first place winner will be announced and presented with a 7X9 inch plaque at the Coast Guard Auxiliary National Meeting (NACON) in San Diego, California in August 2013. Winners may also be recognized in member communication vehicles from the national public affairs directorate.

This contest recognizes Coast Guard Auxiliary units who have successfully executed a robust public affairs program and or portfolio of a public affairs mission that attracted attention of the media and/or the general public. Each DSO-PA shall nominate no more than three (3) flotillas, two (2) divisions and their own district for this award.

Contest entries should be submitted electronically to and should consist of no more than two pages summarizing the accomplishments of the unit during the  specified time frame. Submissions shall be received on or before 31-May-13 without exception. A judging panel of certified Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialists shall be convened to evaluate the entries and select the winners.

This contest recognizes Coast Guard Auxiliary units who have successfully published three or more issues of a unit publication during the specified timeframe. Each DSO-PB shall nominate no more than one (1) flotilla, one (1) division and their own district for this award.

Nominations consisting of a copy of exactly three (3) separate issues of the unit publication should be submitted electronically to using free Dropbox file sharing software (  Each entry shall be identified with the name of the publication’s editor and the unit’s number.

Submission shall be received no later than 31-May-13 without exception.  A judging panel of certified Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialists shall be convened to evaluate the entries and select the winners. Entries will be evaluated on several categories including design, layout, writing quality, photojournalism, and use of Associated Press Style Book, Coast Guard Style Guide, and Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Affairs Publications Officers Guide and USCG Auxiliary Public Affairs Guide.

This contest recognizes Coast Guard Auxiliary Photographers who have successfully captured interesting and compelling images of Auxiliary members and assets in action across specified program categories.  Each Coast Guard Auxiliary member may submit up to two photographs per category. Contest entries should be submitted electronically to using free Dropbox file sharing software.  (Free download via:

Each photograph must be labeled using current Coast Guard file naming protocol and contain a proper photo caption and credit information as per the Coast Guard PA Stylebook.  In addition each photograph should clearly identify the category it is being entered into.

Photo Categories are:
•       Fellowship
•       Marine Safety
•       Member Services
•       Operations
•       Public Affairs
•       Public Education
•       Vessel Examination

Submissions shall be received no later than 31-May-13 without exception.  A judging panel of certified Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialists will be convened to evaluate the entries and select the winners.  It should also be noted that no photographs containing identifiable minors (persons under 18 years) may be submitted without being accompanied by a model release form signed by the minor’s parents.  Submit on U.S. Coast Guard form ANSC 7020 (01-13).

This contest recognizes Coast Guard Auxiliary videographers who have successfully captured images of Auxiliary members and assets in action and/or edited them into an interesting and compelling video segment. Each Coast Guard Auxiliary member may submit one (1) video to this contest.

The video must contain a proper video slate as specified in the Coast Guard PA Stylebook.  Contest entries should be no longer than 5 minutes in length and submitted electronically to using free Dropbox file sharing software (

Submissions must be received no later than 31-May-13 without exception. A judging panel of certified Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialists will be convened to evaluate the entries and select the winners.  It should also be noted that no videos containing identifiable minors (persons under 18 years) may be submitted without being accompanied by a model release form signed by the minor’s parents.  Submit on U.S. Coast Guard form ANSC 7020 (01-13).

1.)  DIR-A and DIR-AD are not eligible to participate in these contests.

2.)  No public affairs national staff member may enter a contest for which their respective division and/or branch has contest oversight responsibility. (e.g. photo branch members may not enter national photo contest.)

3.)  The judging panel may, at their sole discretion, choose not to award a winner for any specific contest and/or category if it is their opinion that none of the entries for said contest/category meet the minimum Coast Guard Auxiliary standards for excellence.

4.)  Each national contest coordinator may prescribe an alternative method of transferring/receiving contest entries as needed within reason.

5.)  All DSO-PA’s, DSO-PBs and DCO’s have been advised of this contest via email prior to 15-APL-13. Contest notice and guidelines were also disseminated via AUXDIRECT email list to all subscribing members.

6.) No contest entries will be accepted for any contest/category after 23:59 PST on 31-May-13.

Patricia P Fritchie,
Deputy Director Public Affairs - A Directorate
U S Coast Guard Auxiliary
Life Jacket, Wear It, the name says it all!

Division Member Training: Operations Workshop

By Daren Lewis

We had a great Operations workshop on Saturday 13APR2013. The workshop included:

  • A presentation by Randy Henry of the Oregon State Marine Board. He briefed us on the changing state of boating in Oregon, the OSMB strategic plan, and answered our questions. Mr. Henry serves as the Oregon Boating Law Administrator.
  • A presentation by our own Kurt Torgerson on petroleum and oil spills. 
  • The annual one-hour TCT refresher conducted by Ken Babick, DCDR7.
  • The annual operations workshop presented by Ken Babick, DCDR7.
  • Comments from MSU Portland Executive Officer, CDR Williamson.

05 April 2013

The Importance of Diversity

By Toni Rosatti

What is diversity? Diversity simply means, something different. Why is diversity important? Diversity adds value, importance and enhances our experiences whether in a volunteer group, work environment, educational setting, etc. By allowing views and perspectives from a diverse group, we all can learn more due to various backgrounds, cultural differences, and a wide range of socioeconomic status of all people. Diversity enriches the educational experience for all involved. In addition to this, it also prepares people to be more aware of differences in a society that is becoming increasingly complex and more global.

In order to bring diversity to a group, recruitment of individuals needs to focus on new members from all backgrounds. Regardless of national origin, age, race, sex, education level, religion or socioeconomic status, everyone should be encouraged and welcomed to join an organization. For a diverse organization to be successful, all must respect difference and value people who bring different points of view. In order to respect difference, the organization must be willing to engage others who have different perspectives than one’s own. By recognizing that we all have individual views allows us to see the value of others’ unique contributions that they can bring to the group. Diversity is not narrow, it involves open-mindedness. Each of us has a different story to tell. By sharing our individual stories is how we find common ground and similarities that bring people closer together as a group.

We all must remember that our country was built by a diverse group of people. The strength, resilience and richness of our society are based on the diversity of its citizens. Each of us has our own unique background and talents that allows us to broaden our views and perspectives by listening and learning from others. In order for an organization to be successful, it must welcome and embrace diversity by recognizing and valuing talent. It must also eliminate barriers and ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with equality so all have the chance to reach their maximum potential. Along with this, an organization must encourage the exchange of ideas which not only broadens the scope of problem solving, but also improves the possibility that problems are solvable.

By encouraging and welcoming diversity into our group, we can make our organization strong by adding value and richness. With having a diverse group, we can accomplish more by having the different views and ideas needed to reach our goals.

08 February 2013

C-Schools for Auxiliarists

By Daren Lewis

Earlier this week Dave Baker, our FSO-MT, sent out the current C-School schedule. Newer members may not be aware of what this opportunity means. C-Schools are advanced resident training offered to Auxiliarists to prepare them for new roles. Examples include a number of leadership trainings, training to serve as an Information Services Officer, training to serve as a Public Affairs Officer, advanced training in AUXAIR, and others.

In most cases (except where noted) Auxiliarist receive paid travel orders and per diem to attend these courses. Typically you may attend a C-School every three years.

Our Flotilla Commander, Diane Epstein, prepared a wonderful article on her C-School experience -

Learn more about Auxiliary C-Schools at:

If you'd like to attend one of the C-Schools in the current Federal Fiscal Year (Until Oct) review the material and submit a Short Term Training Request (STTR) to Diane for endorsement and forwarding to DIRAUX.

19 January 2013

AUX LMS - what it means for you

By Daren Lewis

Yesterday we all received an ALAUX (all Auxiliarists) message from the Chief Director's office about the Auxiliary Learning Management System. I've included the full text at the bottom of this message but I wanted to hit a few highlights.

Mandated training

  • The mandatory course requirements were announced awhile ago but held pending availability of the system - this is the availability announcement so we are good to go.
  • The AUXLMS is designed so you can complete these courses in the comfort of your home at a time convenient to you.
  • Current members have eight courses to complete between now and 31DEC2016.
  • Two of the eight courses are taken only one time. The other six are taken every five years.
  • New enrollees will be required to complete their courses in the first full year of membership (the year after their enrollment year). Please be sure to make this distinction if you find yourself in conversation with a new member.
Beyond mandated training
  • AUXLMS is not just about these mandated courses. There is a wide variety of interesting Active Duty material that can help you improve your proficiency as an Auxiliarist. We'll be highlighting some of this in future posts.
  • We can expect to see other Auxiliary courses added that are optional or mandated for particular qualifications -- again, so you can meet the requirements of your qualifications from home.
  • A big win is the inclusion of ICS-210, available now. This course was designed for the AUX and is now the Coast Guard standard for Single Resource Unit leaders (SRU). An example is those seeking Coxswain qualification. Previously we needed to find an Active Duty instructor for this course. Now you can do it at home.
I've gotten a login and started using the AUXLMS. I think this will prove to be at lease as big a positive change as the online AUXOFFICER system has proven to be.

I encourage each of you start working through the required courses - if you do one per quarter you'll be done well ahead of the deadline... or you can knock them all down today.


1. Purpose: To announce implementation of the Auxiliary Learning
Management System (AUXLMS) and associated benefits, requirements, and
impacts on Auxiliary Mandated Training (MT).

2. Background: The Coast Guard is committed to supporting the Coast Guard
Auxiliary by providing training materials, courses, and tools to impart the
skills and knowledge needed to achieve mission excellence. As part of this
commitment, the Coast Guard has launched an enterprise-wide Auxiliary
Learning Management System (AUXLMS) to automate the delivery and, in turn,
improve the efficiency of training processes for Auxiliarists. This rollout
of AUXLMS is a result of an extensive and comprehensive analysis performed
by the Coast Guard Office of Training, Workforce Performance, and
Development (CG-132), FORCECOM Training (FC-TADL), OSC Martinsburg,
Auxiliary national training and information technology programs, and the
Chief Director's office (CG-BSX-1). Relevant references include ALAUX
008/11, ALAUX 011/11, and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual (COMDTINST
M16790.1 (series), section 8.E.).

3. Benefits:

a. The AUXLMS provides the flexibility for Auxiliarists to access
training material anywhere and anytime on a personal computer. For example,
with AUXLMS, you can fulfill your Auxiliary MT requirements from the comfort
of your home. Although the current inventory of Auxiliary training material
on the AUXLMS is relatively small, it will grow as more training materials
are developed for online availability.

b. Through the AUXLMS, Auxiliarists also have the opportunity
to access active duty "Gold Side" training courses and materials, such as
content on Coast Guard boat and cutter operations.

c. Each course has a 6-digit code numbers which can be used to
quickly search-and-find.

d. ICS-210 is now available online through the AUXLMS (use
course code 502325).

e. Successful course completion is automatically recorded in
AUXDATA without manual intervention of an Information Services (IS) staff
officer. Data uploads from the AUXLMS to AUXDATA occur on a weekly basis
each Monday.

4. Requirements: Though the need to have a special card is not required to
access the AUXLMS, you must have a unique e-mail address that is not shared
with any other Auxiliarist and that is listed as your primary e-mail address
within AUXDATA. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure course completion
data is properly transferred into AUXDATA and correctly credited to you.

If you have not yet provided your unique e-mail address to the Auxiliary
(i.e., - an e-mail address that is not shared with another Auxiliarist), or
if you need to update your personal e-mail address, you should do so as soon
as possible by completing the ANSC-7028 form with the unique e-mail address
in the "EMAIL 1" field and submitting it to your FSO-IS. The form is
available online at: You may also
logon to, check what is currently in your
AUXDATA record, and submit an online ANSC-7028 form to make the change.

5. Accessing AUXLMS and Password Set-up:

a. Access to AUXLMS is through the following site:

b. How do I get my password in AUXLMS?

(1) Click on the "I forgot my password" link under the
Login button.

(2) Fill in the Username field with your individual
primary e-mail address currently in AUXDATA. This is your username for
AUXLMS. Click on the Submit button.

(3) An e-mail will be sent to your AUXDATA e-mail
address that contains your login and password. Check this email account for
a message from

(4) Return to and use the
credentials provided in the e-mail to log in.

(5) You will then be asked to change your password.

c. Where can I find additional information about using the
AUXLMS? The Auxiliary Knowledgebase (AUXKB) will be filled with a
comprehensive listing of AUXLMS Q&As by February 1, 2013. The AUXKB can be
found at: Once there, click on "Knowledgebase" link
at the top of the site, then the "AUXLMS" link, and type your query.

6. AUXLMS Impact on Auxiliary Mandated Training (MT) Requirements: The
purpose of MT is to build awareness and enhance the knowledge, skills,
abilities, and attitudes of the Coast Guard's workforce. All other elements
of the Coast Guard workforce have MT requirements, generally more extensive
than those for Auxiliarists. MT cannot be taken lightly, and it is not
unreasonable to expect in the future that Coast Guard Order Issuing
Authorities will expect Auxiliarists to be current in MT requirements before
making assignments to duty. With the advent of the AUXLMS, the bridge that
allows automatic recording of successful MT course completion into AUXDATA
has been built. The Auxiliary MT requirements established in section 8.E.
of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual (COMDTINST M16790.1 series) are now in
effect. Notably:

a. Auxiliarists must successfully complete the following MT during
their first year of enrollment and then once every five years thereafter:

(1) DHS Together - Resilience Training - course code 502379
(2) Security Education and Training Awareness (SETA) - course code 810030
(3) Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information - course code 810015
(4) Sexual Harassment Prevention - course code 810000
(5) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - course code 810045
(6) Civil Rights Awareness - course code 502319

b. Auxiliarists must successfully complete the following MT only
once (new members shall complete them during their first year of

(1) Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts - course code 502306
(2) Influenza Training - course code 502290

c. Enrolled Auxiliarists now have until 31 December 2016 to
complete all eight of the MT courses listed above. As each of the first six
courses listed above is completed, its own five-year cycle will start. Each
cycle will extend to 31 December of the fifth year regardless of the date
the course was completed during the year, and so on. For example, if an
Auxiliarist completes the Civil Rights Awareness course on 15 November 2013,
then he/she will have to complete it again by 31 December 2018.

(1) If a course has already been successfully completed
within the past five years, and written proof of successful completion
(e.g., course completion certificate or screen shot; transcript) can be
provided by the Auxiliarist, then that course shall be recognized as already
in its five-year cycle. This includes credit for comparable courses that
were successfully completed under different course titles in the past. Such
written proof must be presented to the IS officer responsible for the
Auxiliarist's AUXDATA entries.

(2) For example, the current Sexual Harassment
Prevention course used to be titled Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH).
Credit is granted to Auxiliarists who provide proof of successful POSH
course completion during the past five years. The following table reflects
known course title changes that have occurred in the past two years since
being listed in the Auxiliary Manual:

Old Course Title || Current Course Title

Suicide Prevention || DHS Together - Resilience Training
Privacy Awareness || Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information
Prevention of Sexual Harassment || Sexual Harassment Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention || Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Ethics Training || Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts

d. New enrollees must complete all eight of the Auxiliary MT
courses listed in 6.a. and 6.b. within their first year of enrollment. For
this purpose, the first year of enrollment will extend to 31 December of the
year following their Base Enrollment Date. For example, if a new enrollee
has a Base Enrollment Date of 15 November 2013, then that individual will
have until 31 December 2014 to complete all mandated training. The
subsequent five-year cycle for each of the courses listed in 6.a. will start
after each respective course completion as described above for enrolled

e. Auxiliarists with certain types of access (e.g., security
clearance; standard work station account) must still comply with any other
associated Coast Guard MT requirements established by FORCECOM (e.g., annual
Information Systems Security (ISS) training for those with standard work
station accounts).

7. These changes will be reflected in the next update of the Coast Guard
Auxiliary Manual (COMDTINST M16790.1 (series)).

8. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other
interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc.
All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and

9. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.

10. CG-BSX-1 sends

13 January 2013

Flotilla Staff Resources: Using AUXDATA training reports to manage qualifications in your program

By Daren Lewis

This USCG Auxiliary District 13 video discusses two AUXDATA reports that help FSOs (and Flotilla elected leaders) manage the qualifications of members in their program areas.

Target audience: Flotilla Staff Officers

AUXDATA reports covered: Training Management Report and Training Status Unit Report

12 January 2013

Staff Officer Toolkit: Using AUXOFFICER to learn your staff chain

By Daren Lewis

If you are a Flotilla 76 FSO please watch this video. It is under three minutes and is designed to help you determine you staff chain of leadership. These folks are a key resource for you as you work to make your program excellent. As an FSO please be in regular touch with your SO and your FSO colleagues. Talk about your challenges. Talk about your ideas. Share your successes. Make each other successful. We are all in this together.

11 January 2013

Tucked ODUs

By Daren Lewis

Shipmates, We discussed tucked ODUs at the Flotilla meeting. To clarify, tucked ODUs remain authorized until no longer serviceable:
Auxiliarists shall pay particular attention to appearance while wearing the ODU. It shall be serviceable, well-maintained, clean, and not faded or discolored. In addition to the following general provisions, proper wear and maintenance shall be as prescribed in the Uniform Regulations, COMDTINST M1020.6 (series), or other relevant, interim Coast Guard policy. The untucked version of the ODU has black Coast Guard emblems embossed on them in several locations. Untucked ODUs are not produced without the emblems. Therefore, Auxiliarists are authorized to wear the untucked ODU version with the embossed Coast Guard emblems. Moreover, although the untucked ODU is the prescribed version, Auxiliarists are authorized to wear the tucked ODU version until no longer serviceable. - COMDTINST M16790.1G Auxiliary Manual Chapter 10, H.4.
As a reminder we have been requested to make all possible effort to wear un-tucked ODUs while aboard MSU Portland.

D13 Staff Resources: Using AUXOFFICER to learn your staff chain

By Daren Lewis Shipmates, If you are in a staff role (FSO, SO, DSO) you may find this video useful. It shows how to find the members of your staff chain and your peers.

05 January 2013

Windbreaker and Trench Coat insignia placement


The insignia worn on our Coast Guard windbreaker and Trench Coat are a special large size. The placement of these devices is not clearly defined in the Auxiliary Manual but it can be found in the Coast Guard Uniform Manual COMDTINST M1020.6G.

In Chapter 3.D.3. "Officer Rank Insignia Placement" the placement is described as follows:

"Larger metal shoulder rank insignia are worn on outerwear epaulets so that the outer edge of the insignia is parallel to and 3/4 inch from the straight side of the epaulet."