
22 July 2013

Flotilla Picnic Sign-up - August 17, 2013 11:00 am – St. Helens Columbia View Park

We are having a collaborative/pot-luck picnic this year. To help coordinate the event we are asking members to sign up ahead of time to bring particular items.

To sign up send me (Daren) an email with what you can bring in what quantities and I will update the list.

Thank you,
On behalf of our FC & VFC, Diane Epstein and Andy Cochran

USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 76 picnic
August 17, 2013 11:00 am – St. Helens Columbia View Park

Items needed:

Chairs - everyone bring your own.

Non-alcoholic beverages (no alcohol is allowed at the site):
Spot 1: Korsmo/Anderson if needed              To serve how many:
Spot 2:  Olson             To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Hamburger Buns
Spot 1: Andy               To serve how many: 40
Spot 2: Diane              To serve how many: 24

Spot 1: Rusten             To serve how many: 12
Spot 2:               To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Chips & Dip
Spot 1:  Olson            To serve how many:
Spot 2:               To serve how many:
Spot 3:               To serve how many:

Spot 1: Matt & Ellen C             To serve how many: 12
Spot 2:  Rusten             To serve how many: 12
Spot 3:  Korsmo Anderson             To serve how many: 30
Spot 5:  Epstein  To serve how many:
Spot 6:               To serve how many:

Paper Plates to serve 40:
Cups to serve 40: Laura W
Plastic Utensils to serve 40: Dave & Kara B / Korsmo/Anderson
Napkins to serve 40: Dave & Kara B

Games (no prizes):
CG Jeopardy and Knotty Relay: Laura to bring instructions so we can co-op the game organizing.

Sweet pickle relish - Laura W
Dill pickle chips - Laura W
Kraut for the dogs - Laura W
Secret sauce (OK its thousand Island dressing) - Laura W

Veggies for burgers: Korsmo