
07 October 2008

Member Training - 1 hour TCT Refresher

Prudent sailors have exhibited and human factors researchers have described seven critical skills that reduce the potential for human error-induced mishaps. These skills are leadership, mission analysis, adaptability and flexibility, situational awareness, decision making, communication and assertiveness. Collectively, they are titled “Team Coordination.” Within these skills are important processes that serve to control safety risks and improve team performance. The processes are risk management, crew briefing and crew debriefing. TCT reinforces these processes and makes the student aware of both effective and ineffective behaviors. Diagnostic tools and corrective strategies are taught. Through discussion, case study, class exercise and/or role-play, students gain an understanding of these skills and how best to apply them. - COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION 1541.1

Prevention of mishaps is a key responsibility of everyone wearing Coast Guard blue. We cannot be Semper Paratus if our facilities are damaged or our people are injured. We cannot save lives when we become victims ourselves.
Every five years all operators are required to complete the full 8 hour team coordination training course and there is a recent requirement in the last few years to take a one hour refresher every year. Even if you do not participate in operations I encourage you to take advantage of the full TCT and the refresher on a regular basis. We have outstanding instructors for the full TCT and you'll learn skill that you will find useful in all aspects of your lives.
The TCT refresher will be offered on  18OCT08 at Sector Portland, 0830 and the uniform is ODUs.

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