
29 April 2009

ALAUX: Non-Operational Facilities Category Eliminated -012/09

You likely received an ALAUX today announcing the elimination of the Non-Operational facility category and a change to the flying of the Auxiliary ensign on member facilities. There change has no impact on our Flotilla facilities as none are non-operational. It is a significant liberalization of the use of the Auxiliary ensign which may now be displayed on any members vessel as long as the vessel displays a current VSC sticker.

Previously the ensign could only be displayed on a facility (operational or non-operational). So if you have a vessel that is not an inspected operational facility get your annual VSC (which I hope you do as a matter of course) and start flying the Auxiliary ensign.

Please note this is the blue and white ensign, not the red, white and blue Auxiliary Patrol Ensign.

Subj: Non-Operational Facilities Category Eliminated -012/09

1. As a matter of information, NEXCOM and the National Bridge recently made final the decision to eliminate "non-operational facilities" from the categories of vessels in the Auxiliary. CG-5421 concurs with this action which is effective immediately.

2. The Auxiliary Ensign may now fly only on either inspected surface facilities that display a current facility decal or on vessels owned by Auxiliarists that have successfully completed a Vessel Safety Check and that display a current VSC decal.

3. Changes in regards to non-operational facilities to the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual COMDTINST M16798.3(series) will be reflected in future editions of the manual.

4. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc. All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and information.

5. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.

6. CG-542, sends

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