
01 January 2011

Farwell Earl Markham.

Its hard to find a place to start when saying good bye to a friend. I think I speak for everyone when I say it is an honor and a privilege to serve beside you and to have you as a friend. Just because your moving doesn't mean we need to say goodbye though. It just means we have to learn how to share you with another flotilla. Remember Earl, you are our honorary flotilla commander for the next year.

You have in some way or another shaped members in your flotilla, division, and district. You sir are the Coast Guard Core Values of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty. You have been living these core values for almost 60 years. That is just amazing.

Daren Lewis said in an earlier email.
" As far as I can tell he is the longest serving Auxiliarist in the Nation still holding an active qualification (he holds four - aid verifier, instructor, coxswain and qualification examiner)."

Please post your comments about Earl below. Tell us some memorable moments you have had with Earl, things that he as taught you.

I will start.
When I was going through the crew academy, I was approached by Earl who was an instructor/QE at the academy. He wanted to tell me that I was tying the Clove Hitch the wrong way. Me being the stubborn guy I am I didn't believe him. It took me a while to understand what "I" was doing wrong and Earl just stood there patiently and calmly while I worked on tying that knot. I have to say Earl knows just about everything there is to know about being a crew or coxswain aboard an auxiliary facility and is whiling to teach anyone about anytime. I hope to one day know everything Earl knows about boating.

I would like to also say, don't hesitate blowing that whistle at your new flotilla. I know the flotilla commander will learn to appreciate it.

Sir, I salute you.


Gary Bell said...

Earl, you have my enormous respect and gratitude, in part for your encyclopedic knowledge and unmatched experience, but even more for your unflinching and unfailing willingness to present a very real example of Semper Paratus for us all. I cannot imagine a finer role model.

Anonymous said...

Earl, I've known you for over 12 years and in that time you've made an impression on me that will always keep you in my thoughts..

When I was at the Coast Guard Innovation Expo I found myself frequently mentioning you when I was talking with Auxiliarist and Coasties from all parts of the Nation. They were all impressed with you. Some, I've even had to prove to (on the E-directory) your time in the Auxiliary and your current qualifications.. You have a following of admirers from all around who (unfortunately for them) will never get to meet you...

Todd Mains said...

Seems like yesterday when I met Earl. He and Dick Andreasen invited me to ride along on patrols before I became a member. I wound up riding along every week and making their acquaintence convinced me to join the AUX. I picked his brain for hours on end.

I wish you fair winds and calm seas, my friend. When I doubt, I ask myself "What would Earl do?"